GoodAccess is a SASE solution that replaces existing hardware VPNs. Let’s compare the two to see why GoodAccess is the cloud solution for the future.

Let’s take a look at a few common issues with hardware VPNs and how GoodAccess handles these issues
With an HW VPN, the onboarding and outplacement of your employees are difficult and nearly impossible to control.
Add and remove users with one click thanks to the GoodAccess control panel. You have a clear overview of every team member’s access rights. The control panel also helps with your GDPR compliance – each time your data is accessed, that information is tracked and recorded, and you then have a clear report of all activities on the control panel.
Working from home can be quite complicated with an HW VPN, especially if you work on multiple devices (laptop/phone/tablet) and on several company networks.
On the other hand, GoodAccess can be easily used on any device. It doesn’t matter if your employees are connecting from home or the beach, if your systems are on a private network or on the internet; everyone uses one secure encrypted connection to all of the company systems. GoodAccess makes working from your home office a breeze.
HW VPN management requires the time of a dedicated IT expert, who is rarely available 24/7.
If you are looking for a simple, one-click setup for every user and device, GoodAccess is the logical choice. Every employee will have zero trouble installing our app (available on the AppStore and Google Play) on all their devices, which will help save your IT department’s valuable time. The updates and improvements are also instantly available to everyone with the app, saving even more of your IT costs.
Connecting a new office to an existing HW VPN costs a small fortune – not to mention the energy of your IT team.
With GoodAccess, you can easily interconnect all of your offices and existing cloud networks via a secure encrypted tunnel. GoodAccess offers a secure company cloud private network (Secure Network Perimeter) that connects the private networks of your branches, company clouds, external SaaS systems, remote workers, and IoT devices.

Would you like to upgrade from your hardware VPN? Are you looking to improve your company’s cybersecurity? Take the first step towards the future and get 14 days of GoodAccess for free.